Tagged with Cost of Living
Sheffield Cost of Living Grants
Many people have been impacted by the increase in the cost of living, whether that’s through their energy bills or groceries in the shopping aisles. Sheffield City Council is committing £850,000 over 3 years through the Shared Prosperity Fund to deliver the Sheffield Cost of Living Fund.
South Yorkshire Cost of Living Grants
South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation has set up a Cost of Living Fund giving financial support to community groups supporting residents in the South Yorkshire region to help reduce food and fuel poverty.
SYCF Community Grants
SYCF Community Grants are made up of several funds provided by generous local donors, intended to support community groups and organisations across South Yorkshire
Local leaders launch South Yorkshire Cost Of Living Fund
South Yorkshire’s Mayor Oliver Coppard and the Chief Executive of South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation (SYCF), Ruth Willis have launched a fund to support the region through the cost of living crisis.
South Yorkshire
SYCF Makes Winter Fuel Payment Plea
SYCF calls on financially secure households to give away their allowance, which is being distributed by the Government as part of its cost of living support package.
Joint statement from voluntary sector partners
People in this country are facing an economic crisis of a magnitude not experienced for decades. Many who have until now been able to make ends meet will be pushed into poverty, and those who are already struggling will be pushed into desperation.
South Yorkshire
South Yorkshire Cost of Living Fund
The Cost of Living crisis has affected communities across the country, with people worried about how it will impact them at home and their families.
South Yorkshire
£2.3 million to help Sheffield cultural and community venues reduce their carbon footprint
Cultural and community buildings in Sheffield will benefit from a £2.3 million investment to help reduce their energy costs and carbon emissions, improving resilience and protecting jobs.
Foundation’s funding suits fashion styling charity
A charity which provides free interview outfits to help struggling, unemployed people into work is suited for success thanks to funding from South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation.