Moving On Up: Young People and Employment Grants

What is Moving On Up?

The Moving On Up fund is generously supported by Quickline, specialist broadband providers to rural communities. The company's donations have enabled us to continue a pilot project, launched by SYCF four years ago, to work with groups focused on improving the employability skills and prospects for people in South Yorkshire, aged 30 and under.

For groups working with people older than 30, please see the sister fund to this: QFutures.

Building on a successful pilot

SYCF’s Moving On Up (MOU) programme was launched following the Community Foundation’s 2021 Vital Signs research report, which highlighted employment and employability as a priority for people in South Yorkshire.

To date, the innovative, multi-year grants programme has awarded almost £300,000 to 24 groups and organisations across the region. Successful groups were allocated up to £15,000 - up to £5,000 a year over three years to address unemployment for young people aged 14 to 30 years.

The programme supported young people with pre-employability opportunities and skills through established pathways specifically focusing on funding projects addressing issues concerning vulnerable and marginalised young individuals.

It bridged the gap between employment, skill development and education fnding projects supporting both individual development and the creation of positive community outcomes.

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Moving on Up Evaluation Report

Click on the documents below to view our latest Moving On Up Evalution Reports.