An innovative grants programme designed to tackle unemployment amongst young people across South Yorkshire is celebrating a major funding milestone.

A new report shows almost £300,000 has been awarded to 24 groups and organisations across the region as part of South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation (SYCF) three-year Moving On Up Young People and Employment Grants Programme.

The Moving On Up (MOU) project was developed by SYCF in response to findings from the latest Vital Signs research - carried out every three years by the organisation to respond to the needs of the communities across South Yorkshire.

Vital Signs is the culmination of surveys and round table discussions with groups in every area of the county to identify the most pressing current needs in the community.

Aspiring Communities Together, in Doncaster, Barnsley’s Jolly Good Communities, The Work-Wise Foundation, in Rotherham and Sheffield-based Goalball UK are just some of the projects and organisation which have benefitted from the Moving On Up funding between January and September 2023.

Successful groups were allocated up to £15,000 - up to £5,000 a year over three years to address unemployment for young people aged 14 to 30 years.

Michelle Dickinson, head of philanthropy and programmes for SYCF helped develop MOU. She said:

Moving On Up is a wonderful example of how we are making a positive difference in South Yorkshire’s communities by improving life the skills, education, enterprise and employability of those aged 14 to 30.

The findings from our latest Vital Signs research project showed supporting young people with pre-employability opportunities and skills was a priority area for young people in the region.

By listening carefully to the needs of our community groups, we have been able to develop tailored and relevant solutions. The funding provided to these organisations through Moving On Up programme is acting as a catalyst for change in the areas which matter the most.


  • £300k

    The amount of funding awarded by the MOU programme

  • 24

    The number of groups and organisations supported over three years

  • 14-30 years

    The age range which the MOU programme was created to support

Young people try out a selection of tools

Brightbox, based in Barnsley, is a social enterprise dedicated to empowering disadvantaged communities through access to education and employment

Brightbox creates community-based makerspaces equipped with tools and resources for skill development. By fostering collaboration and learning, Brightbox aims to improve social inclusion and economic opportunities for thousands of individuals.

Thanks to a £14,000 MOU grant, the programme boosted young people's skills, confidence, and job prospects. It offered career days, pop-up makerspaces, and volunteer opportunities. Career days connected young people with industry professionals, while makerspaces provided practical skills training. The volunteer programme offered work experience and support, leading to positive outcomes for participants, including securing employment and further education.

The programme has supported seven volunteers, including a young woman named X. Initially nervous about working with children, X gained confidence through delivering arts and science workshops with the programme's support. With mentorship and encouragement, X developed strong leadership skills and a passion for working with young people. Her experience culminated in a decision to pursue a career in education.

One volunteer told them: "I worked with Brightbox to get some experience. I have to say I really enjoyed it. The staff, all of them, were lovely and kind. I learned new skills and meet new people, it was a great experience for me. I would do it again definitely."

Read more about the MOU programme

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Meet Michelle

Michelle supports our Strategic Plan through philanthropy. This includes the development of long-term strategic relationships to secure and distribute income against agreed targets. She is also responsible for of our Fund Development Strategy and SYCF's Grant Strategy.
Her working days are Monday to Friday.

Michelle Dickinson

Head of Philanthropy and Programmes

Michelle Dickinson's LinkedIn page
Michelle Dickinson