Supporting people and communities in Ukraine

The invasion of Ukraine will lead to significant challenges and far-reaching consequences for millions of people in the region.

Through the UK Community Foundations network of 47 Community Foundations across the UK, we stand in support of our sister organisations in Ukraine and are in close contact with Foundation networks in Europe, including the European Community Foundation Initiative.

It’s clear the impact this has had on people in Ukraine has touched many people here, shown by the generosity in compiling essential items to be sent for humanitarian relief.

How you can support humanitarian efforts from the UK

As ever, in times of crisis, there is a groundswell of people that want to do something. We saw this first-hand during the early days of the pandemic and the same spirit of solidarity is shining through today.  For those wishing to give, we recommend the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal as the most effective way to support humanitarian efforts from the UK.

Over £100m was raised in the first four days by the Appeal and the money is already making an impact. The member charities of the DEC have the expertise, experience, and infrastructure to ensure that public donations quickly help those most in need on the ground.

We have also compiled a list of local organisations in Ukraine, and neighbouring countries, that are supporting people affected by the conflict. These include:


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