Giving Network appoints new chair
Jack Kidder has taken on a new role as chair of South Yorkshire’s Giving Network (SYGN).
Jack - responsible business manager for Henry Boot PLC - will head up the Network and oversee the delivery of a series of key SYGN events across South Yorkshire in 2025.
The appointment builds on the long-term partnership between South Yorkshire's Community Foundation and Henry Boot PLC.
Jack said:

Henry Boot has held funds with South Yorkshire's Community Foundation for many years - originally established to enable the company to use our funds to make a purposeful impact within our home city of Sheffield and support local communities most in need.
Over the years, the number of funds we hold has grown and we are proud of the long-term impact that SYCF have made on our behalf.
I’m delighted to take on this new role and excited about working together to expand the Giving Network across South Yorkshire.
It’s a fantastic concept with members contributing towards funds which make an immediate, as well as long-term, impact on communities across the region.
At Henry Boot PLC, Jack co-ordinates responsible business practices across the Group. Prior to this, he was Corporate Fundraising Manager at St Luke’s Hospice and worked at Nabarro LLP.
Michelle Dickinson, head of philanthropy and programmes for SYCF, said:
We’re absolutely thrilled to have Jack on board as the Giving Network’s new chair.
Working together, we’re passionate about expanding SYGN and engaging even more like-minded businesses and individuals keen to give back to their local communities as part of our own mission to create a healthier, safer and stronger South Yorkshire.
As part of the Giving Network, members directly fund community groups within South Yorkshire by donating to two exclusive funds:
- The Giving Network Distribution Fund
- The Giving Network Endowment Fund
Meet Michelle
Michelle supports our Strategic Plan through philanthropy. This includes the development of long-term strategic relationships to secure and distribute income against agreed targets. She is also responsible for of our Fund Development Strategy and SYCF's Grant Strategy.
Her working days are Monday to Friday.
Michelle Dickinson
Head of Philanthropy and Programmes
Michelle Dickinson's LinkedIn page.png)