Free Webinar: Low Carbon Grants of up to £15,000 to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emission
Grants are available to community and cultural organisations which own, manage or lease public buildings in Sheffield, to improve their energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.
40 grants of up to £15,000 will be made following an energy audit to assess energy usage and the work must be completed by December 2024.
This free webinar will provide an overview and detailed information about the Low Carbon Community & Culture Project Grants and in particular, the conditions of eligibility i.e. which organisations can apply, what you can apply for, when you can apply and what you can spend the funding on and how the energy audit on your premises will be carried out and what information you'll need to provide.
We’ll also tell you how the grants will be assessed once you have expressed an interest in the scheme and respond to any questions, concerns or issues you may have and give you details of advice and help you can receive in applying for the money.
Date: Tuesday 23rd January 2024
Time: 10.00am-11.30am
Venue: Virtual Classroom (Zoom)
Cost: FREE
Booking is essential
How does it work?
The session will use Zoom to create a virtual classroom, where a presentation will occur just like they do in a traditional classroom
This session is aimed at voluntary and community organisations which own, lease or manage buildings which are open to the public for e.g lunch clubs, youth centres and community centres. Church and faith organisations buildings are eligible if they are used for non religious purposes.
Details of how to join the meeting will be emailed out the day before the training session to the email provided upon booking.
If you have never used Zoom before there is a useful online guide to it here.
You must book a place through our website. Please register with the email address you would like the Zoom invitation sent to.
*Places on the session are limited; we will open up further dates if there is the demand. To register your interest in future sessions please contact
For details of how to book visit the SYFAB website.
Meet Andy
Andy manages SYFAB’s training programme for community and voluntary groups and he also delivers some funding courses. This allows groups to learn funding skills and expertise to enable them to improve the lives of people in their communities. His working hours are Tuesday to Thursday.
Andy Kershaw
SYFAB Training Coordinator
Andy Kershaw's LinkedIn page