Case studies

Outcasts Cricket Club

Outcasts Cricket Club

The Outcasts Cricket Club based in Crowle in North Lincolnshire are dedicated to bringing the local community together through cricket. Tween Bridge Wind Farm Community Benefits Fund has supported the club’s progression and growing popularity.


Harthill Netball Club

Harthill Netball Club

This women’s netball club is based in the village of Harthill in Rotherham and is open to ladies who like to play in the local area. Funding has helped them to buy essential equipment such as netballs, post protectors, roller driers for the courts and bibs.


Abundance Sheffield

Abundance Sheffield

Abundance is a volunteer-run organisation which rescues, shares, cooks and processes fruit and vegetables which would otherwise go to waste from all across Sheffield. Funding contributed to the cost of skills training volunteers to lead harvesting events as well as community workshops


Ethel Trust

Ethel Trust

Ethel Trust organised boat trips for people living in residential care, that resulted in their wellbeing improving.


Darfield Bowls Club

Darfield Bowls Club

Funding from the Park Spring Windfarm Community Fund allowed Darfield Bowls Club to renovate their grounds


Grow To School

Grow To School

National Growing For Wellbeing Week 2023 shines a spotlight on Grow To School, who explain how their local growing has helped the physical and mental health of young children.

South Yorkshire