Blackstone Edge Wind Farm Community Benefits Fund

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Important Notice

Extended Open until 9am, Monday 27th January

Decisions on this round will be made in late March, and will not be communicated to groups until mid-late April.

The next round will open in May.

Nadara has established the Blackstone Edge Windfarm Community Benefits Fund to support local community organisations, benefiting people living close to the Blackstone Edge windfarm in North West Barnsley.

What are the priorities for the fund and what we are keen to fund?

Projects and initiatives, with the following priorities:

  • Advancement of education, culture or science
  • Encouraging public participation in a sport involving physical skill and exertion
  • The promotion of civic responsibility, volunteering, citizenship or community development
  • Environmental protection or improvement Bio-diversity and habitat conservation;
  • Energy conservation and sustainable transport options
  • Captial items with a tangible and lasting benefit, including improvements to community buildings
  • Bio-diversity and habitat conservation
  • Energy conservation and increased use of renewables
  • Other projects that are community-based and/or community-led which meet identified local needs and issues

How much can I apply for?

Grants will normally be £1,000-£5,000

Grant decisions are usually made within 2 months of receiving an application.

It is unlikely that panel will consider an application from a group if they have had a grant in the last 12 months.

Success stories

Blackstone Edge Windfarm Community Benefits Fund is helping to nurture the environmental instincts of young children at an early age!

Grow To School

Grow To School will work with two schools in North West Barnsley and their communities over the course of a year to develop and manage school allotments and increase biodiversity.

What is the area of benefit?

The wind farm is situated in West Barnsley located at Blackstone Edge, the area of benefit is a 5km boundary of the wind farm site*.

  • This includes Dunford, Gunthwaite & Ingbirchworth, Thurlstone, Penistone, Upper Denby and parts of Holmfirth. (you may be asked to provide evidence of the number of beneficiaries you serve and where they reside as part of the application process)
  • Projects outside the 5km boundary of the wind farm may also apply if the majority of the beneficiaries of the project/activity reside within the 5km area.

Application Support 

Please read our guidance notes below, answering questions you may have about this programme.

You can contact South Yorkshire Funding Advice Bureau for help or get inspired by their Making A Good Application leaflet.  

Blackstone Edge Guidance Notes 2025

Updated Guidance notes - 18-12-24

(PDF, 171 KB)

South Yorkshire Community Foundation - Top 10 tips

Ten tips from South Yorkshire Community Foundation to help with your funding application

(PDF, 29.4 KB)

Contact Us

Get in touch with our Grants Officer, Emma, via the details below if you have any questions relating to this programme.

Meet Emma

Emma supports the delivery of our Grants programme, providing front-line contact and help to assist voluntary and community groups to apply for funding. Her role involves the administration of funds and grants programmes and support with grants panels. Her working hours are Monday to Thursday, 10am to 4pm.

Emma Mallinson

Grants and Partnerships Officer

Emma Mallinson's LinkedIn page
Emma Mallinson