South Yorkshire's Community Foundation helps individuals and businesses who want to give generously to support income generation for our wide-ranging grant programmes.

Giving - to community organisations and helping people, businesses to give - is what we have been passionate about for over 38 years.

Our year of Giving in 2023

  • £ 1769565

    Total distributed

  • £ 1713356

    Grants to organisations

  • £ 56209

    Grants to individuals


How we can help you give to South Yorkshire communities


Funding for community groups and individuals that delivers impact

Our Impact

Groups and organisations utilise funding to support activities and projects which make a positive difference to local communities.

South Yorkshire's Community Foundation gives money to initiatives which promote economic, social and physical and mental well-being, helping local people fulfil their potential. 

Visit our Case Studies page to read more about just some of the hundreds of community groups we've supported.

Barnsley YMCA

Children between ages five and eight years old have been supported by Barnsley YMCA, with grant funding providing activities to keep the little ones entertained and engaged.


Darfield Bowls Club

Read how Darfield Bowls Club renovated their venue to allow players to safely access the ground, including Harry who has a severe health diagnosis, to participate and be comfortable in the surroundings.


Blackburn Club for Young People

Funding from our Community Grants allowed the Blackburn Club For Young People to be able to bring in paid staff members with professional training to lead their sessions, delivering projects and activities for young people to keep them off the streets and away from anti-social behaviour.


Disability Sheffield

The weather has improved with the arrival of the sunshine and warm temperatures, ice creams are being enjoyed and it’s not long before school is out for the summer holidays. Disability Sheffield have been creating magical poetry thanks to SYCF funding which allowed the group to hire tutors to lead the creative sessions.


News & Updates

Meet our funders: Quickline
Natalie Harrison

Meet our funders: Quickline

Quickline has partnered with SYCF to tackle unemployment in South Yorkshire through a dedicated QFutures programme including the QFutures Community Fund and the Moving on Up programme.

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